Who we are

Our Aims

Promote social inclusion, relieving the needs of those people who are socially excluded and assisting them to integrate into society, through a programme of: providing hot meals, teaching basic cooking skills, facilitating local Eat & Meet’s, and the provision of volunteering opportunities. Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, which includes practical advice and other forms of christian care.

Our Values

You are: seen, loved, known, have belonging, value and purpose

Welcome to Feeding the Family

Let me tell you more about GIVE GUIDE GROW 

By showing love to the lonely and vulnerable in a tangible and practical way, that invites them into a relationship with members of the community that will continue to show them support and friendship and open them up to opportunities where they can pass it on to others.

Let me introduce myself and Feeding the family, I’m Keeley Scarborough, I live in Basildon with my Husband and two teenage children, and after I got furloughed, I had a deep desire to show love to people who may be feeling alone, forgotten and unloved while we were in lock down, and heard God say "feed my sheep" (John 21: 17).

In response, I started making meals for the lonely & vulnerable and making cooking videos as I had always enjoyed helping teach people to cook and Feeding the Family was born. 

Keeley (Founder and CEO)

Meet the team

The amazing people that make it all possible

Liz (Chair)

"Feeding the family is all about showing love to individuals and families in our local community and to be able to love people in this way is a joy and a blessing"

Julie (Treasurer)

"I just want to bless others, Feeding the family gives me the opportunity to do that in a really practical and helpful way"

Nikki (Trustee)

"My heart is for the community, especially reaching out to those who may be vulnerable or facing challenges in life. When a card advertising Feeding the Family dropped through my door during lockdown, I had to know more. Once I met with Keeley it kindled a flame and I just had to be involved. It is a privilege to be part of this team, reaching out in love to our community." 


The idea of Keeley's is amazing and I'm proud to be part of the team to fulfil her dream to reach more peoples that are in need.

David & Christine

" We very much enjoy meeting people in our local community"


" I started Feeding the Family because I was lonely and then I found I enjoyed doing it. "


"I believe that the world can be a lonely place at times and that one of the most important things we can do, is to let people know that they are not alone."


Video editing extraordinaire


"it is an opportunity to contribute something to the community and a very worthy project"


"I am passionate about helping people in my community reach their full potential and volunteering with Feeding the Family gives me this opportunity"

Keith and Karen

"We love food and believe in supporting people, and think that this is the kind of thing that Jesus would do."


"I like volunteering for Feeding the Family as you get to meet more people and see new faces and have fun"


"I love volunteering for Feeding the Family, I was one of the first people to do the course, it has helped me and my son so much"


"I like helping people and it gets me out the house"


"I love being in the kitchen and helping where I can. Feeding the Family is such a great cause!"


"I decided to volunteer because I wanted to support people in my area who are struggling to make ends meet."


"From bringing meals round and picking me up. It's about giving back now"


"Gives us something to do, saves getting bored."

Shannon (Chef)

"Great opportunity to help those in the community with a well needed service."


Want to join the team?

Complete our volunteer registration form and we will be in touch.

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