Feeding the Family is an innovative and loving response to a need we saw for the lonely and vulnerable in the local community of Basildon that uses food as its tool to provide a way out of loneliness. 

a development programme

The Give Guide Grow programme consists of:

Service User Case Studies

Jaime's Case Study

Read about Jaime's experience and how it's changed her outlook for the future.

Emma's Case Study

Emma's telling the world about her experience on the programme and the confidence she's gained.

Our Impact 2024

Check out our Impact report to see how we have helped the people of Basildon who are lonely, vulnerable or at risk over the last year.  

CEO Report 2024.pdf
Impact Report 2024.pdf

It starts with hot meals cooked with love,  delivered by friendly volunteers.

An invitation to our cooking course, teaching the basics to build confidence.

Providing mentoring, volunteering opportunities & signposting recipients to appropriate local resources and partners.